Thursday, September 30, 2010

Belated Second Post


There is always a very large time space between my first post in a blog and the next, or just between posts for that matter. Things just got crazy after that first post, and I haven’t been able to get my thoughts in order to write something. Something that isn’t poo.

Today was very stressful actually, so maybe my excuse to not write doesn’t apply here. Why was is stressful? Why did I almost have a mental breakdown?

Because today was my first drive, ever. As in, I was behind the wheel, and I was terrified that I’d kill both me and the instructor. Actually, when he got in the car, and told me to turn it on, I cried.

Yep, cried like the manic I am.

But we got through that, and though I did indeed stink at turning and not drifting across the road in the beginning, I think I got the hang of it toward the end. We did a lot of turns in side streets in Gardiner toward the end that really helped.

Now, for what’s on the needles…


My second one of my first pair of socks, ever!

That’s my first ever sock on the right there, showing much I still have to go with the second one. The main reason it’s not done yet, is that I recently got caught up in the “Hunger Games” trilogy and have been reading those in class instead of knitting. But I’m on the last book, so I’ll be able to get back to a knitting schedule. (Right on time for holiday knitting season!)

Also, recently(ish) I got some new yarn!


These are two skeins of Blue Moon Fiber’s lightweight sock yarn, in color ways “Pride” (left) and “Quinault Canopy” (right)

The Pride socks will be a Christmas present for a friend whom has a lot of pride, and the other will become socks for myself.

Also, on the day these showed up in the mail, a little yarn fairly left this on my back porch.


I believe it’s wool by it’s feel, and it’s a very pretty wine like color. I was very confused on who left this yarn on my porch for adoption. (It’s like leaving a baby on someone’s doorstop but for knitters.) It was actually written on the side of the bag that it was from my friend Anna, but I’m blind apparently.

Speaking of Anna…here is an old picture of her learning how to knit for the first time.


(Because I can.)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bleep Bloop

I always stink at these sort of things, I'll be honest. Starting, "introduction, hello, welcome" posts are always the hardest to write for me.
Though considerably easier to write than this History essay I should be writing.

I'm Kenzie, a Junior in High School, and I love to knit. I even knit in class, which I'm surprised my teacher's let me get away with. The fact makes me all warm and fuzzy on the inside. (Maybe they just expect a knitted gift in return though, aha)

Currently on the needles, is my second sock, ever. I've already finished my first sock ever, and now working on it's twin. (There will be pictures once done!) I'm so excited to finish it, even though I'm still just past the cuff, and haven't even started on the heel flap yet. Class is so taking up my knitting time. Gosh.

I also have a lace scarf, which is a birthday/Christmas gift to my sister from another mister, Heather. That's also my first time trying out lace! Gosh, so many new things on the needles.

AND today, I got two skeins of Socks that Rock yarn in the mail, and my friend bought me some local wool yarn from the Farmer's Market. Which I have no idea what to do with, something for her, but not sure. She doesn't like wearing hats, scarves and would forget mittens.


Some first post this was.