Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ideas Everywhere

I like knitting. It makes me happy and hyper.
It also gives me inspiration, not art inspiration sadly (still in a large art block on that front sadly) but inspiration, for more knitting! Makes sense? No? Oh well.

What I mean is, as I get more sucked into knitting, I want to do more interesting pieces. I want to add other things that I like into knitting. Nerdy things for example. I really want to make some TRON[: Legacy] inspired pieces, which would be my first attempt at real color knitting. As well as Mass Effect pieces too, Commander Sherpard's original armor as a sweater for example. I'm all over the place with nerdy knitting ideas.

But as I plan, and have nothing else really to say, have some pictures of the projects I was talking about in my last post.

(This is me trying to be interesting in my knitting pictures.)

Monday, July 25, 2011

But It Has No Pictures!

Yes, a photo-less entry, for a few reasons.
One, I'm at a friend's house. (It's currently past midnight and she is playing Dead Space while I'm farting about on the laptop.) And two...well mostly because I'm at a friend's house and didn't bring my camera.

But I am on a roll. I've finished the gusset on the second sock of a pair that I've been knitting on and off four 7 months, at least. Of course I only know this because on another blog type thing, I was talking about knitting on them...and that entry was 7 months ago...I swear I'm normally not that slow in knitting socks, I swear.

The real news I want to talk about though, is that when I was reading the other day, I think a knitting blog or something, I had an epiphany.

First, let me tell you a story. I had once gotten this yarn, which is a story for another day as it was a frustrating battle to find the right color that I wanted. The yarn thought was Malabrigo Worsted, and it's lovely. I wanted to knit a hat out of it, and so I did. A basic beanie hat to keep my head warm during the lovely Maine winter. Thought I had made all the perfect measurements, but I knitted it too short. Sadly, I ripped back and decided to knit it again, it really didn't take that long in the first place anyway.
Knit it again, lengthening it....and knitting it too short. Again.
After a little tantrum, I bitterly threw the hat onto my book shelf and left it there for months.

Now this epiphany was an idea to make it longer, without having to knit it all over. Which is to just pick up the stitches on edge of the hat and just knit from there. Making it long enough and make me a happy camper.  (Of course it is a simple idea, but I felt like a genius when I thought it up.)

Alas, I have lost the original ball of Malabrigo.

Which is around 11 dollars a skein.

I'm a sad Kenzie. Hopefully it'll turn up...somewhere.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Shifty Eyes

...Don't mind the nerd in the corner, typing in her blog that she has neglected for months.
Insert shifty eyes.

Well, time to get back into the groove I would say! I'm knitting furiously again and feel the need to tell the world! (and by world, I mean the empty internet known as my knitting blog. I suppose it's better than boring my friends with all the actually amazing details of new yarn I've bought.)

So as everyone should know, unless you don't live in any type of society or connection to the internet (how are you reading this then?) you should know that the final Harry Potter movie has come out, and all the fans are all a flutter. I am a large HP fan, though not as die hard as some friends, and very laidback when it comes to seeing the movies.
I actually haven't even seen Part 1 of the 7th book adaptation. Though wishing I did, so I can go see this final one in the theaters. (Saw the first one in theaters, want to see the last one in theaters. You know, for memory sake.)
I'm mentioning this, because with all the Harry Potter delight going around the internet and sites that I love to frequent, I've had an inspiration to finally knit some Hogwarts House Scarves. Not just for me, but for basically all my friends that like the books/movies. (This is quite a lot mind you.)

Of course, it also means that I've had to become a sorting hat and figure out which House all my friends belong in! (Thanks to mulitple different websites about the history and characteristics preferred in each House,  and the help of more friends, I think I've got them all down.)

So meet the first scarf;

(Don't mind the icky photo, like I said, it's 90+ degrees up here in Maine.)
It's my friend Wren's Hufflepuff scarf to be! This picture is quite outdated, as I've made much more progress on it since the picture was taken. 

Now just to do;
1 more Hufflepuff scarves
1 Ravenclaw scarf (mine!)
1 Slytherin scarf
2 Gryffindor scarves

Probably will make more, but these are for my close friends who are fans. c:

Happy Knitting and hopefully will blog much sooner than before!