I indeed fail at keeping up with a blog, let alone this blog, a knitting blog!
Mostly because I'm having trouble keeping up with my knitting.
Currently on my needles are those socks, yes the socks that I keep talking about, the socks that I swear I'm going to finish soon. Yeah. I'm on the foot of the second sock, so I am in text; "almost done with the socks." Mentally though? I'm an light years away.
I also have a Christmas/Birthday scarf on the needles, which is actually quite close to being finished. That most likely will be done either this week or next.
A hat is also on the needles, this one was for myself, but I think I may frog it for now and save it for later. Since I may actually want to knit a quick hat for the winter season. (I seem to have lost my first hat I've knitted.) But who knows, I might just finish it. It's a really quick knit anyway.
I believe that's all on the needles. But, I still have to worry about Christmas knitting. I need to knit one pair of mittens for a special someone, a matching hat to that Christmas/Birthday scarf. Plus, I even wanted to knit a pair of socks for someone too. (We know that most likely isn't going to happen.)
Oh, not to mention I am swamped with school work.
I just recently switched into AP History, and have to complete all the work they had done before I moved into the class plus keep up with the current work we were doing.
All the work has to be done right after Thanksgiving Break, which is next week. (We have Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off)Which should hopefully be enough time to get all of this crap done.
Then I will be able to knit in peace, finally.
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